On Wednesday, April 10th, 2019, over 150 members of The California Assisted Living Association (CALA) gathered and conducted 96 legislative visits with legislators and/or staffers at the California State Capitol in honor of CALA’s Assisted Living Advocacy Day.
The event afforded assisted living providers the opportunity to shed light and promote discussion about the real concerns and needs of the providers and the residents they serve.
The two primary goals of the event were to:
- Educate about Assisted Living, CCRCs, and Memory Care
- Advocate for the various bills that CALA supports, including the AB 50, the Assisted Living Waiver (ALW) Expansion, a new bill presented by Assembly Member Ash Kalra. This bill will expand the ALW to 18,500 participants.
Mr. Cimino and fellow delegates underscored how important this ALW program is to the state as it meets the intent of the famed Olmstead decision, which provides that people who are receiving institutional care should be afforded “the least restrictive setting” possible. In addition, the program saves the state significant funds as Assisted Living is generally less expensive than a nursing home.
Other important information shared included how AB 50 will ensure there is waitlist transparency. This means that people will know their position on the list and when they are likely to reach the top, ensuring adequate reimbursement to Assisted Living providers delivering these services.
As experts in the field, Mr. Cimino and other CALA members had the privilege of educating legislators about the beneficial impact of senior housing and services on the lives of residents.
For those interested in sending letters of support or who seek more information on this subject, you can learn more here.
The bill has already unanimously passed the California State Assembly Health Committee and is now before the Assembly Appropriations Committee.