Committed to increasing access to senior living.
Staying Connected

Staying Connected

Sharing News, Updates, and Stories from CiminoCare

We feel it is essential to share current events; innovations in care; and personal stories of those who make CiminoCare such a special company, including management, staff, residents, and families. We hope you’ll find the following articles to not only be educational, but also a indication of what we feel is important, inspiring, and entertaining. We truly enjoy caring for Seniors and like to share what we do to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

Update On ALW Daily-Tiered Rate Increases

ALW Daily-Tiered Rate Increases Update


Hello Friends,

We would like to share that ALW daily-tiered rate increases were implemented as of April 28, 2017. Payments for April 28, 2017 and later will be at the correct rate, and communities should be getting paid the increased rate for any billing they submit moving forward. It will take Xerox quite some time to process the reimbursement for payments made from January 1, 2017 – April 27, 2017 at the old rate, so please be aware of that.

Please visit the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for any additional new rate information, please visit:

Share this news with any and everyone you know!


Thank you,

The team at CiminoCare

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